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And you thought that was it...

I can see your face now... your thinking "oh my goody-ness, there's more than I ever expected!" Well get used to it, this site is gonna be big

The Black Pit of Doom

There's no telling what is in this thing... Thanksgiving dinner, aliens, anthrax... Take your guess, it's all good

The Parachuter

Pulling this one off without the use of hair-gel and/or animal lard is only possible by jumping out of a plane

Facial Orbs
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.
The Upper-Lipster

Can you see any upper lip on that beauty? Nope. In fact, it is entirely possible that the only reason this man grew such a moustache is that he has no upper lip and didn't want to look funny. It didn't work though. NICE COMB-OVER BUDDY!

The All-Inclusive

This little hummer is pretty interesting. You can't really tell where the beard stops and the head hair begins. Definately as luxurious as a cruise.


You know, until the day when I can grow my own (that is visible from more than 5 inches) I think I might where a Fake-Stache. And a crazy Mexican manequin too, just so I can luagh at it.

This is one of my favorite images
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.

I let my moustache do the talking