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Just look at all these healthy, young, and attractive... Moustaches

You really can't beat moustaches... I mean the word is even fun to say! Well, have fun looking, and perhaps growing your own

The Dali

This is one of the rare beauties you only find on the healthiest upper-lips of the highest class of people

The 3-footer

The required length of a moustache like this is 3 feet... across

The Wing-Master

As if having the pointy 'stache wasn't enough, he got the pointy beard too... there should totally be moustache olympics for guys like this

The Curly Gentleman

Using this special design, you can expect to be fought over by women from 3 to 126... This man (we know him personally) scored with the Worlds Hottest Centurion... it was gross.

The Tricky Sixy

Most use this uniqe design to be able to run faster and sometimes even fly, but this man obviously has it all for the looks... it would be nothing without the greying top-wing

The Grey Roll

Without the grey, this would just be an ordinary moustache, but since it does have the mark of a true moustach-eo master, he can beat you with a cane and get away with it


The Mountaineer

Killing squirrels for a living is the only way to acheive such greatness. No other than a true mountain man would even bother killing a squirrel, so you don't get any poseurs in this field