Schlabbidy Wanka Bude (French for Nubbins)
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I can see you made your way to I don't know how, and I really don't care, but you need to see some of our stuff. That's all. If you leave, your computer probably won't crash, but it might. So stay... so it doesn't crash. Your safe here, along with your strife.

You know, we aren't just any normal people here. We have very real opinions, and very real feelings.... But who cares? Send us all your hate mail, love mail, or anything to

New Crap and What-not

Well, we're past the 500 mark now on the counter, so thanx everybody for visiting, and keep on coming! Tell your friends to, if you have any. And if you don't, make some so you can tell them about this place!

If you don't wanna sign the guestbook or already have and just wanna see the posts, the link is

Where are
you from:

The Creators

Our names are Brock and Ashley. We live in Granbury, Texas and we love eating children

Click on all the pages because they are all very fun...and interesting....and exciting....AH JUST GO TO THEM ALL!

There is nothing to put here. Why am I even typing this? THIS ISN'T ENTERTAINMENT! I'm just gonna stop now.

Brock and Eric being idiots @ Ashley's Birf-Day Party! :D

Right now there are lots of new things in the Moustache region, you should go and check them out!