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The owners of the site! (pictured right)

Hello,  Do you like the picture of us? Yeah, I thought you would. We had glamour shots made last spring and well here they are... we're a couple of mack-daddy's. Well anyways this page (if you havn't figured it out already) is about Nubbins and why we did it and all that jazz. Well the reason we did it is because we have no lives. So we made a website with all the things we like on it to make our boring lives more...less...boring...anyway we hope other people with no lives will come to Nubbins and try to be more...less...bored. But anyway I'm sure if your reading this you have already signed the guest book...right? Well you better have...but if you didn't you must do it now! We need to know if anyone is actually coming here.


Brock - I am 15 and male... put 2 and 2 together and you have a frog. Makes sense, right? So anyway I'm in a band or two and one of them is called Son of None. The other one, yeah, no name yet. I play the guitar (Epiphone SG) and sing in both bands. I also have a live journal, and you can find the link to that later on down this here page.

Favorite Band - Dead Kennedys

Favorite Song - Your Emotions (DK)


Ashley- I am 16 and female...and I have a job down at the local market polishing donkeys. I'm getting a new guitar in March, I currently have a 1965 Epiphone Olympic Special. I love being immature. I have a turtle named Filburt. Well I think that's all you need to know.

Favorite Phrase- " If you can't stand upon the water, I will see you on the ocean floor."

Favorite Band- AFI

The history behind the site.

Uh...history....ok....well there's not really any history, well I was talking to Brock one day and I told him we should make a website and he said ok so here we are.

Muy Importante

You people need to sign the guest book and in the comment section please put how you really feel about the site, but remember it's NEW very new in fact its NEWBORN! So please tell us if you would like to see some changes or give suggestions. Oh yes and e-mail us! We love e-mail, even if it say's poopty puepty pants....it's ok. Oh yes and we are continplating downloading msn messenger....so we can talk to people about the site if they would like. If we do download messenger the e-mail will of corse be Nubblins@hotmail.com so we will keep you up dated on that, and what we decide.

Ashley's Live Journal
Click Here!

Brock's LiveJournal
Click Here


Have fun kids...don't die.